mandag 29. oktober 2012

english update

I know that some of non-norwegian freinds wanted to understand something more than just looking at the pictures, so i'm gonna write a post in english. :D This is just going to be a summary of the last couple of days(weeks?)

Was in Sevilla with my hostfamily last weekend. Very nice and I loved it. Love to spend time with my family! Took 23212 pictures and all you get to see is one. Moaha. Maybe I'll upload more on facebook. Anyways, the weather was really nice (and hot!!) and I saw the first norwegians in Spain. I have wondered about when I was going to meet some norwegians for the first time here. I heard someone talked norwegian and I followed them a little, but I didn't dear say Hey. Next time I will. haha.
We have this agenda at school. Writing all of homework and really eveyting. Until now I have only written down the homework, never been able to stryke det ut. haha, Don't know how to say it in english. But anyways, now I actually do some of my homework and it looks so much better with colors over the homework. That means that I've done it. Proud. 
I also had an examen today. Not examen, but a test. In economia. And I felt it went very well. Not YAAAY I'M GONNA GET A 10, no but maaaybe i will get a gread over 5 that means I pass. But I have to wait and see. Hope it went well, not only I felt it....
We also have longweekends all the time here it feels. This thursday its a day of something, that means no school thursday and friday. Don't know why, but i don't mind. 
Friday last week I was at the cinema  with some friends. So nice. We saw Paranomal Activity. Never ever ever if I would choose that movie, but it wasn't that bad. Afterwards we went outside where it's the fountians you wee in the background. Nice, fun, cold and wet. Say no more. 

aaaand I solved the rubix cube the other day (night).. (yes, with some help by youtube..)


 Was on a rollerskating trip with hostsister today. All I took pictures of was the nice sky. It was soo beautiful. The trip was also very nice. We had so much fun :D

The other day i met Thea agian. We was outside for hours and just talked. It was SO nice and SO cold. I thought i was going to die.

...and we ate churros. My first time. I'm gonna be so fat during this winter....

On sunday Into arranged a day for all the students and hostfamiliys around Madrid to come to a farm. It was really great and I met so many of the students from the camp and it was good to talk to them agian. 

Eleana, Iris and me

and there were the to sweetest dogs on the farm. Wanted to hug them forever.

Me and Eleana 

exchangers forever
nice day, nice people

lots of love from Madrid

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